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The Wales Green Party

The Wales Green Party is a semi-autonomous movement within The Green Party of England and Wales and is led by Pippa Bartolotti and deputy, Anthony Slaughter.

What We Stand For

We live in unsettling times.


Many of the securities that our parents and grandparents fought for – a functioning National Health Service, free education, and an affordable home – now look out of reach for most of us.


Coupled with this, climate change is bringing unpredictable and threatening weather patterns.


People feel let down by politicians, and yet there has been an explosion in political activism. People want to do things differently and aren’t afraid to be bold and challenging.


We believe that public services should be for the benefit of the public, not sold off in bits; we believe that education is worth investing in and not something that should mean a lifetime of debt; we believe in leaving behind a better world for our children and grandchildren.


This is the only world we have and its welfare, above all things, should be the highest priority for us all.


Politics should work for the benefit of all, not just those who shout the loudest or have the deepest pockets.


We believe in “The Common Good”.


A vote for the Green Party is a vote for The Common Good.

Click for our Mini Manifesto >>>

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Pippa has been voted in as leader for The Wales Green Party for the fourth time!

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Anthony is by far one of the hardest working members of the Wales Green Party.

Vote for Real Change

We’re fed up with policies that tinker around the edges.


We want real change that benefits people and the environment.


A real change: from austerity and welfare cuts to investment in decent jobs.


A real change: from privatisation for the benefit of the 1% to public management of essential

services not driven by corporate greed.


A real change: from subsidies to fracking and dependence on fossil fuels to a sustainable world we can pass on to our children.


The Green Party stands for the real change we need. Real change for today and tomorrow. Real change to your life.


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